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Agenda 2030
The world is a house of cards! Interdependencies between its major challenges and between the economy, society and the environment
The ONLY reference for the general interest today is that approved by the international community at the United Nations in 2015
What does it mean to contribute to the 2030 Agenda?

It is contributing to the development of current and future life without leaving anyone behind.
1. Evaluate the progress made by its action in achieving one or more SDG targets, ensuring that there are no negative impacts on other targets, even distant ones: 4allSDGs Applications
2. Define a working method: quantified and dated objectives, social, economic and environmental indicators and monitoring mechanism
3. Working at the right territorial level: specificities of each living territory
4. Establish a place of collective intelligence: find compromises between the different actors even far from the field of activity concerned
Actions stratégiques: Qui sommes-nous

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