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Love, the absolute emergency

Humanitarian emergency, medical emergency, social emergency, economic emergency, environmental emergency... the list of these global emergencies that are getting worse is long.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted a blatant bias in our assessment of urgency. At the peak of the crisis, there were more than 7,000 victims per day on the planet, who were the sole object of public attention, in a context of panic and almost generalized confinement.

Every day, 25,000 people die of hunger, including 1 child under 10 every five seconds.

Invisibility of these victims, whose fate is perceived as an inevitability rather than an emergency in the well-rehearsed discourse of politicians and the media. Invisibility also of the millions of migrants who flee their homes each year due to war or natural disaster. Invisibility still of the homeless at the foot of our buildings in large cities, and of people facing food insecurity whose number is increasing, one in five in France for example.

What if all these emergencies were symptoms of another emergency? An absolute emergency? A forgotten emergency? The urgency to love upstream of crises, to eradicate the structural causes of emergencies of hunger, extreme poverty, lack of hygiene and access to clean water, the predation of resources at the origin of multiple environmental disasters.

Be The Love Medit-Actions for human dignity

Realizing the urgency of loving is realizing the need to recognize the intrinsic dignity of each person, stated in the Preamble and the first article of the Universal Declaration of 1948. We will not be able to constitute ourselves as humanity, as long as peoples and social categories are made invisible. Human dignity will remain an artifice of discourse as long as mental formatting and social conditioning prevent us from embracing each and every one of our brothers and sisters in humanity with a loving gaze.

The Be The Love Meditations, which involve 5 levels of consciousness, train each of us and the SDG CHAMPIONS to experience the power of our dignity and sovereignty, by moving from individualistic patterns of consciousness, which alienate us, to altruistic universal patterns of consciousness, which liberate us and lead us to act in favor of a better, just and happy life on the planet.

Be The Love Medit-Actions and the 2030 Agenda



The Be The Love Medit-Actions commit us to assume an authentic sense of universal responsibility, realizing that our dignity remains incomplete, as long as the dignity of all, human and non-human, is not respected.


The Be The Love Medit-Actions are symbolically represented by the Hand of the Heart, illustrating the 5 Principles of ethical action – Unity, Inner Peace, Universal Responsibility, Love and Altruistic Action – correlated with the Hand of the SDGs and its 5 Pillars – Peace, Partnerships, Planet, Population and Prosperity.


The powerful symbolism of human hands calls each and every one to become an actor of change and, through the power of love guiding their hearts and hands, to build a better world.


Sofia Stril-Rever , co-founder of Better We Better World, initiated Be The Love you want to see in the world, echoing Gandhi whose injunction “Be the change you want to see in the world” has become the mantra of our times.


Be The Love are Declarations of love to Mother Earth, to humanity and to future generations by charismatic personalities and the Righteous of the planet, anonymous heroes of our time.


Be The Love also includes Medit-Actions and a Manifesto for human dignity and the 17 SDGs, presented in the book The Urgency of Loving, published on October 8, 2020. Based on the practice of loving-kindness and neuroscience, the Be The Love medit-action protocol develops inner peace, universal responsibility and intelligence of the heart, correlated with the commitment to achieve the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda, at this crucial time in human history.


A graduate of Indian Studies, author and lecturer, Sofia Stril-Rever is the French biographer of the Dalai Lama with whom she co-authored 4 books translated into about twenty languages and whose story she adapted for the screen in the documentary Dalai Lama, one life after another (Arte). She is also the author of several books with Sister Emmanuelle, including La Folie d'amour and her Testament spirituel.

Actions stratégiques: Qui sommes-nous

©2020 by SDG Champions.

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